If Black Friday and Cyber Monday left you with empty pockets on Giving Tuesday, you might be thinking you’ve got nothing left to give. Not so! Here are 10 ways you can give any day of the week! We suggest you start today.


1. Give a hug…

A real hug, not one of those pat on the back, buck up, kind of hugs.

2. Give a compliment…

Sometimes a few words can do what a few dollars cannot.

3. Give someone a lift…

Why let Uber do all the heavy lifting?

4. Give someone a chance…

Sometimes the only thing missing from a resumé is the right opportunity.

5. Give someone your full attention…

Put down the phone, look in someone’s face, and listen. It’s amazing what you’ll hear.

6. Give time…

There are as many organizations that need volunteers as there are who need money.

7. Give up…

Sometimes the best thing you can do is walk away. What rock have you been pushing up the mountain too long? Maybe it’s time to find another rock.

8. Give in…

Whatever it is you’re fighting (or whoever it is), maybe being right isn’t as right as you think it is.

9. Give a dog a bone…

We love dogs, so anytime we can advocate for their happiness, we’re gonna do it!

10. Give a damn…

That’s right. Let yourself care deeply about something today. Put your apathy aside and step into the fray, sign a petition, create a protest sign, start your own charitable organization. Whatever gets your heart racing and your mind engaged is a good place to start.


Happy Giving!

Kim Jones headshot

Written by Kim Jones

“Willow has been in my life for a long time. I’m excited about the future—where we’re heading—and I’m excited to lead the way.”