Ready for a quick read that could make a huge impact on your life? We hope this will be three minutes well spent. 

Amidst our chaotic lives, it can feel difficult to keep up, let alone be intentional with our words, thoughts, and actions. At times, it’s tempting to consider simply checking items off a to-do list as success. But… we can do better. And being better starts with deliberate intentionality. 

When you input intentionality, the output is always more rich in value. For anyone who’s participated in yoga or mindfulness, you likely already appreciate the power of focusing the mind and staying present. We have no more powerful muscle than our mind. With the right practice and presence, our minds are quite trainable. 

Imagine a world where you feel less overwhelmed and more effective. Here are steps to take today to help you move toward those goals. 


1. Before a meeting, or completing a task, SET YOUR INTENT.

  • What is the attitude you want to embrace during this activity? 
  • What is your goal for the conversation, meeting, or task? 
  • What other things are on your mind that you need to release? 


2. While completing a task, and ESPECIALLY while meeting with someone else, STAY PRESENT.

  • Don’t let your mind wander. 
  • Take notes. Actively listen. Ask questions. 
  • Affirm the value of that person/task with your attention.


3. Once done, REFLECT on your day. On your week. Or, simply on the activity.

  • Journal. 
  • Have a brief talk with a trusted advisor. 
  • Use a three-question structure: What were my highs? What were my lows? What did I learn?  


Meditation is considered a practice because it takes time, training, and consistency — and the same rules apply for the practice of intentionality. There is value in each moment of each day, whether we see it or not. Challenge yourself to be focused, present, and reflective, and the richness of those moments will be uncovered.

Kim Jones headshot

Written by Kim Jones

“Willow has been in my life for a long time. I’m excited about the future—where we’re heading—and I’m excited to lead the way.”