Our first Pulse Poll revealed interesting insights on the ways members view associations in the midst of the pandemic – specifically regarding work/life balance and how associations are meeting their members’ needs at home.

November Pulse Poll Questions and Results

On a scale of 0-10, please rate the state of your work/life balance.


The average response of 5.4 indicates a reasonable degree of balance despite the challenging conditions of working in a pandemic and a struggling economy. With a wide spread of responses ranging on from zero to 9 on a 10-point scale, some are fairing better than others which could be due to increased workload or a blurring lines between work and home from remote working.

On a scale of 0-10, please rate how helpful your association has been as a resource for you with challenges.


An average rating of 5.2 on a 10-point scale means associations have a lot of work to do in terms of providing useful resources to aid their members and provide value to membership. While the highest rating came in at a 9, the lowest was zero – a wide spread that shows some organizations have this figured out better than others.

Which best describes your current workspace environment? Completely remote, partially remote, on-site, or something else?


Completely Remote

Of our respondents, 44 percent indicated that they are “completely remote” and 36 percent are “partially remote.” This means 80 percent of workers are remote in at least some capacity, revealing a growing trend where not only do employers need to adapt their operations, policies, and procedures around communication – but associations and professional member organizations must as well.

Key Takeaways

Data reveals a wide array of experiences. While some are struggling to find balance in the midst of this challenging period of time, others appear to be successfully managing their work and personal lives. The increase in remote working has blurred the lines between work and home. Some associations have been more supportive of this shift, meeting their members’ needs for communication and resources, but there is room for improvement. Associations should find new ways to engage their membership, making special effort to understand their needs and the challenges they face to provide resources and connectivity in a time where most people feel disconnected.