2022 Associations Attitudinal Research Study Interest Form

Willow Marketing invites you to share your insights and your expertise by participating in a unique, quantitative study of professional association members nationwide. For a third consecutive year, we’re taking a deeper dive into member attitudes (called attitudinal segmentation) to explore what association members need, and how organizations can better meet those needs. 

And new this year, we’re excited to include certification bodies along with member associations.

You and your organization can participate at no cost —  and collect valuable data about your membership and certification candidates! In addition, you’ll also receive:

・ A downloadable whitepaper documenting findings and conclusions.

・ Access to an exclusive webinar to review survey results.

・ Opportunity for a personalized webinar to unpack your data.

・ Access to the Tableau Visualization of all your organization’s data. Share and revisit it throughout the year at your convenience!

・ Ability to view your member’s and candidate’s responses and compare them with the complete data set of all other survey participants.

Don’t miss this opportunity to get answers, collect insights — and arm yourself with data that can help you to make an impact in your organization! Sign up today!


Interested in reading the data from our 2021 study. Check out the white paper, data visualization and webinar recording here

Interested in Joining Our Study? Sign Up!

Proud to be a member of ISAE Association Forum ASAE