“I am committed to telling the best story for the client. Whatever the story is, whatever their needs are, whatever they’re trying to accomplish—my goal is to help them get there with words.”
What I do at Willow...
The thing I would do for free…
Is actually the thing I’m getting paid to do (just don’t tell the folks who sign my check!). Writing is a part of my life in every way. I get paid for some of it, and some of it I do just for the love of a good story. Of course, if someone wanted to pay me for that, too, I wouldn’t say no!
The biggest misconception about my job…
Is that it’s somehow glamorous. Sure, I still get a little goosebump-y when I tell people I’m a writer, but that’s kind of where the novelty (heh, novel-ty) ends. It’s a job, and it’s a hard one. On any given blog, article, email, web page, etc., approximately 87 people have to sign off, which means they all have to like it. It’s a pretty subjective business, and it’s hard to put yourself out there and be open to criticism.
Most valuable lesson I’ve learned…
How I try to make the world better…
By being kind, tolerant and open to happiness. Which isn’t always easy! But I’m also trying to raise my two little boys to do the same. It’s easy to get discouraged by the world around us, but there’s also so much beauty and goodness to be found. If I can show them to always look for that goodness, or, if it’s scarce, to be that goodness, then I’ve done my job.
My happy place is…
A hidden beach on a tiny little island in a vast lake in Sweden. My husband grew up there, and I’ve been lucky enough to visit a number of times. There’s nowhere in the world I feel as peaceful or as awed by the beauty of nature.