Is your website ADA compliant?

Is Your Website ADA Compliant? Here’s What You Should Know.

Nowadays, it’s difficult to imagine life without the internet. We’re surrounded by mountains of web-connected devices. Want to find something? Simply pull out your phone and the world is “at your fingertips.” Unfortunately, it’s not that simple for everyone. Using the internet with a disability can be a frustrating process, especially when websites are not compliant with Americans with Disabilities...

Willow Blog Posts Brehob Visitor Increase

You Have a Website—Now What?

Analytics & Taking Your Website to the Next Level When you’re starting a business or organization, building a website is one of the most important (and exciting!) first steps. But once you have your site up and running… what then? How do you make this investment actually work for you and become an effective tool? There are a lot of...

SEO When Changing Your Name or Domain

Changing Your Name? Make Sure You’re Preserving Your Search Traffic When reviewing Analytics, we consistently find that brand name searches are the most common way people find our clients online. That makes changing your name a scary prospect, even when you know it’s the best decision for your business or organization. Will people know who you are, and will they...

Seven SEO Basics Your Tech Team Should Know

At Willow, we do a lot of SEO audits, where we review sites for search engine best practices and help our clients increase organic traffic to their site. In the process, we often see the same technical oversights or issues over and over again. Whether we’re working with a big site or small, a retail site or a nonprofit association....

I’m an Association—why Should I Worry About SEO?

Working with member-based organizations and trade associations is one of our specialties—and we love helping these groups spread their message. But we find many associations ignore one of the most powerful and cost-effective marketing tools out there: organic search. Improving traffic from search engines might seem unnecessary when your members already know your name. The truth is, people use Google,...