In a world where consumers are bombarded with a barrage of advertisements and marketing campaigns, what separates one brand from the other? How can brands connect with audiences on a deeper, more emotional level? The answer lies in the power of storytelling.

Storytelling relies on building a narrative, allowing the audience to activate their whole brain. Using video, voice and sound lets the audience be a part of the experience. Statistics show that images are processed 60,000 times faster than text. A beautiful shot of a sizzling steak is proven to activate reward and decision-making centers of the brain. Seeing someone smile or cry activates empathy and emotional areas. A well-crafted story has the ability to not only capture attention but also create a memorable impression by connecting to the viewers’ own life experiences.

Does empathy sell?

The power of empathy goes beyond just making an impression. Studies around consumer perception of empathy in company culture show that it impacts the bottom line, too. A prime example of a company that understands the power of empathy is Stanley. You’ve likely seen the viral TikTok featuring a Stanley mug that withstood being inside a burning car all while keeping the drink inside cool, complete with ice. This unplanned moment that showcased the durability and functionality of an already popular product would have been a dream for any marketing team. It would have been easy to keep the focus on their product. Taking the path of empathy and replacing their customers car took a great moment to the next level by focusing on values and customers instead of on the product or brand.

Every story needs an angle

How to frame your brand story relies on understanding the unique insights about your brand, your intended audience, and your competitors. Research is key to finding and crafting the insights to build your brand positioning. We’ve spent years conducting independent research focused on the minds and attitudes of member-based organizations. This data-driven approach ensures that we are speaking the language of our audiences to influence their hearts and minds throughout the customer journey.

Stories work everywhere

Creating content for stories can seem daunting but it’s important to not just think of storytelling as simply a video. Stories can serve as fuel for your media campaigns, providing educational content that works at multiple points of the consideration cycle. This approach shows how your product or service addresses what Clayton Christiansen calls “jobs to be done” of your audience – ultimately driving more engagement and sales.

Storytelling is a powerful tool you can use to differentiate yourself from your competitors and make lasting impressions on your audience. By crafting compelling narratives that connect with your audience, you can foster emotional connections that drive brand loyalty, and ultimately increase profitability.

Need help crafting just the right story for your organization? We got you! Reach out and let’s chat!


Written by ericgray

"There are a lot of pathways to end up with an effective solution to a marketing problem. So I try to understand as many of the tools, technologies and perspectives as I can to explore as many of those paths as possible."