Training on your key brand pillars

“Companies use core values to help define their culture and give weight to their brand. But for too many businesses, core values are nothing more than a collection of empty, hollow words.” I overheard this statement during a presentation at the February ADVISA Inspire Conference, and it stopped me in my tracks. Brand values aren’t just words you believe in....

Create a cohesive brand experience | An activity to get you thinking

“People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou A brand isn't just a thing, it's also a feeling. A feeling you build over time with each interaction your clients and customers have with your organization. So it's important to be mindful in curating this experience across...

The Inside Job

4 ways to hone and improve your internal marketing and communications By now, we hope anyone reading this blog understands the importance of effective marketing and communications to your business (if not, give us a call, ASAP!). However, there’s still one key area companies sometimes overlook when it comes to creating a marketing strategy: internal communications. You might not be...

Branded House vs. House of Brands

What your brand architecture means for your business Ever gone house hunting? If so, you may have been asked by a realtor about your style preferences. Mid-century ranch? Colonial two-story? Cape Cod or bungalow? Whatever your taste, the architecture of a house is what speaks to you. It tells you how the house is built and what you can expect...

Truthing in Advertising

Reaching your audience in the post-truth era of alternative facts One of my favorite marketing soothsayers is Rohit Barghava, a former Ogilvy exec-turned-bestselling-author, whose annual books on the latest marketing trends are consumed by more than a million readers. Each year, Rohit compiles a list of trends that he curates over the course of the year, based on a number...