A year ago, we saw the world change before our eyes. Grocery stores had lines wrapping around the building, guest rooms became offices (and school rooms), girls’ night out moved to the Houseparty app — and in-person conferences became virtual conferences. 

Well, now it’s the summer of 2021, and the world is shifting again. You can now go back to the gym (sorry, no more excuses), masks are a fashion statement if you’re still unvaccinated, and we are grappling with what stays virtual and what we can/want to do in-person.

I’ll confess, doing some things virtually has provided more than just “staying healthy” benefits. I’ve been able to cut down on drive time, allowing me to get more done in the day. I’ve been able to see the faces of friends more often. And I’ve been able to attend more professional development activities than ever before. Don’t get me wrong, I miss seeing people in person. (I have my first in-person conference in August and can’t wait.)  But how do we master this balance as event planners and marketers? (And if anyone has tips on how to master this balance in their personal lives, please share!)

It is safe to say that virtual events are not completely going away — they are just morphing into  hybrid events to help attendees find that balance. A survey of event professionals revealed that 73 percent of event professionals are planning a hybrid event (meetingspotlight.com). So, now it is up to us to take what we’ve learned from ALL event planning and create this evolution of virtual and in-person events. Easy, right?

I’m sure everyone can tick off the top two reasons that people attend conferences — networking and education. (No, it is not the catered dinner.) However, the number one reason differs between virtual and in-person. In 2018, the main priority of attendees attending events was networking (EventMB). In 2021, attendees said that they join virtual events for educational purposes (markletic.com). So in good news, we are familiar with the two big draws, but now we are marketing and creating content for two different audiences.  

Hybrid events will provide a new challenge — but we didn’t get into this industry expecting it to be boring, did we? There is no doubt in my mind that you will outperform goals, out shine expectations, and be OUTSTANDING. Check in with me, I’d love to hear how the next 12 months go — or, if you need a partner, I’d love to run beside you.

Kim Jones headshot

Written by Kim Jones

“Willow has been in my life for a long time. I’m excited about the future—where we’re heading—and I’m excited to lead the way.”