A whole heck of a lot has changed for every company since March 2020. You likely had to adjust your staffing structures, work environments, flexibility with employees, product and service offerings, technology – really everything from A to Z. 

But have you evolved your brand over the past 2 years? Does the brand you had before COVID-19 still resonate with who you are today? Have you made significant changes to your value proposition? 

Evolving your brand to fit who your organization is today is just as important as making sure your team is set up to work from home. We’ve put together some questions to help you evaluate your current brand and determine if you need to make adjustments to the visual and/or messaging elements of your brand.


Here are 20 questions you can use to evaluate whether your brand still aligns or needs to pivot (everyone’s favorite word from 2020!):

  • Your Mission, Vision, Values
      • Why does your organization exist?
      • Where is your organization headed in the future?
      • Have your core beliefs and priorities changed?
      • Did new values that really matter to your team emerge?
      • Did other values that are not as important go away?
      • Does the organization have new strategic priorities?


  • Your Target Audience
      • Have the needs of your target audience(s) changed?
      • Have the attitudes of your target audience(s) changed?
      • What is your target audience(s) motivated by now?


  • Your Unique Value Proposition
      • What unique benefit do you provide?
      • How are you different from your competitors?
      • What kinds of comments have you heard from your customers in the past 2 years regarding what they appreciate about your company?
      • What results have you been able to achieve for your customers in the past 2 years?


  • Your Product/Service Offerings
      • Have you changed your product or service offerings?
      • Did you add additional features, advantages or benefits to your product or service offerings?
      • Are there any new product or service offerings being launched?


  • Brand Styling
    • Does the tone of your communications fit your company?
    • Are you using imagery that is relevant and reflects your brand today?
    • Does your tagline or positioning line resonate?
    • Is your logomark fresh and recognizable?  


Want to chat about your brand evolution? Reach out!

Kim Jones headshot

Written by Kim Jones

“Willow has been in my life for a long time. I’m excited about the future—where we’re heading—and I’m excited to lead the way.”