Archetype: a symbol, theme, setting, or character-type that recurs in different times and places in myth, literature, folklore, dreams, and rituals so frequently or prominently as to suggest (to certain speculative psychologists and critics) that it embodies some essential element of ‘universal’ human experience.

– The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms

Archetypes are all around us — in literature, film, history and mythology. In fact, by definition, Archetypes are universal. Carl Jung described them as “recurring patterns found in our universal stories.” Expanding on this definition, archetypes are universal characters connecting the conscious and unconscious, bridging gaps between meanings, moods, desires, and concepts. 

Archetypes embody the stories and journeys that human beings share across time and space. They align us with a cause, value and purpose while helping us understand complex emotions, experiences and lessons along the way.

While traditional marketing speaks to quantitative data known as demographics, the brand archetype process connects on a deeper level with the customer’s subconscious. By aligning your company brand with a primary (and sometimes secondary) archetype, you purposefully engage a core value set that outshines any quantitative data that aims to retain long-term customers.

You know them by names like the Hero, the Sage, the Everyman, and the Caregiver. There are twelve in all, and each represents a set of distinct characteristics that are instantly (and often unconsciously) identifiable. (Think Nike, the Hero). They represent specific values, behaviors, and motivations.

The trick is to  identify your member’s personality, then align your brand with the archetype that would most appeal to a desire within your member. 

The most effective brands also take on the qualities of these archetypes and activate them to their audience. The brand archetype, when identified and nurtured, manifests itself in your unique brand personality.

If you’re just starting to explore your brand archetype (or don’t even know what yours is), download our Brand Archetype Questionnaire. We’ll walk you through all 12 archetypes and the 4 motivations and help you identify yours. For help getting started or if you’re interested in learning more about your company archetype, reach out!

Kim Jones headshot

Written by Kim Jones

“Willow has been in my life for a long time. I’m excited about the future—where we’re heading—and I’m excited to lead the way.”