Have you ever worked on a project and thought to yourself, “This just feels right”? I recently had this experience when working on a project for one of our clients at Willow. It was a rare moment when all the stars aligned. By stars, I mean my personal passions, Willow’s service offerings, and the client’s needs and desires. Our friends...
Marketing Insights and Information You Can Use
Getting it “Just Right” When Talking to Creatives
Where’s your Goldilocks Zone? You know, the place where everything is just right? See, Goldilocks, adorable little criminal that she was, might have had a penchant for breaking and entering, but she also knew what she liked. Bed too hard? Too soft? Never fear—Goldie will try them all until she finds the perfect fit. Porridge too hot? Not for our...
How to Engage and Train Creative Warriors From Afar
Every day, we work with marketing and membership teams from fraternities and sororities, nonprofits, and membership associations. One thing they seem to have in common is that their teams are small and spread thin. While we pride ourselves on being an extension of our client’s team, it still often falls on committees and volunteers to execute on the plans and...
Getting the Creative Juices Flowing in Very Practical Ways
Contrary to popular belief, as we learned a couple weeks ago, I’m surprisingly not in meetings eating cereal all day, as my kids may think. Close, but not all the time… I mean, I admit, sometimes I do switch it up and have a pop-tart instead. Actually, on any given day, you can find me at my desk working on...
Filling In The Blank (Page)
The only thing worse than a blank page is the same blank page two hours later. If you’ve ever been assigned a blog post or put in charge of social media accounts at work, then you know what I’m talking about. And if this is your full-time job than you have my utmost respect. So what are you supposed to do...