Thank You Willow.

It was suggested I write a blog post marking Willow's 24th year in business, which will be celebrated on March 1st. I never thought writing a blog post would be so hard. And, as I tend to do, I procrastinated. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't like the idea. The more daunting the task became. How...

Why We Love Willow

While free diet coke may attract prospective employees, it’s not what keeps them around. Employees were asked what they love about Willow, the reasons varied. Even though multiple employees raved about the free diet coke and beer Fridays (What’s not to love about beer Fridays?) there was one keeping theme that was found throughout, FAMILY. Willow Marketing is not just a...

Ask Your Team: What is a Mision?

Weeeelllll let’s just say that’s a new term Willow is coining in the strategic business planning process, but we’ll get to that later. February 8th was a big day for the Willow team. The first annual Vision Summit, an opportunity for our leadership team to share the company Vision with the entire staff. But the day turned out to be...

Cheese Is Life: Employee Spotlight on Luke Woody

His strut is slow, careful even, some might say. His hair is long and his beard is legendary, unanimously voted best beard in the office even before his first day. But walking closer, I noticed something that even his Zeus-like beard could not compete with, his crewneck. A simple gray sweatshirt from afar, sporting a weathered graphic of the iconic...