There Is Always A Reason To Celebrate

Raise your cactus shaped glass and celebrate Cinco de Mayo with me! I love to celebrate.   I celebrate my birthday the whole month. I celebrate the summer solstice with yoga. I celebrate the date I rescued my dog with a doggie cake. I love to celebrate. I think we should celebrate a job well done too! Earlier this week...

Meet the Dogs of Willow

I’m a college student, which means any time I see a dog, it’s a big deal. Us college students love dogs. Petting a dog and maybe a lick or two puts us in a good mood for days… probably something about missing our own dogs? I don’t know, I just know dogs are the bees knees. Plus, I’m a Butler...

Olivia’s Willow Intern Survival Guide

Dear Future Willow Intern,   Hi! My name is Olivia. I am the current intern here at Willow. I’m going to tell you about the ups, downs and all of the tricks of being a Willow intern. First and foremost, there’s going to be work you don’t want to do. But hey, that’s true with any internship. You’re going to...

Happy 10 Year Anniversary, Kim!

She was young. Only a couple of years out of school, but smart and driven. As President of the American Marketing Association, I needed someone on the board to serve as VP of Collegiate Affairs. Someone who would really kick-start efforts. And she did just that. Within a year, she helped to revitalize or initiate several collegiate chapters for us resulting...