Using Attribution to Measure Digital Marketing Efforts

One of the things that first drew me to digital marketing was the wealth of data available to analyze user behavior. When I first signed into Google Analytics, I was blown away by the information about user behavior available at your fingertips. For a business owner, this tool becomes even more powerful. Google Analytics (and other data tools), can be...

All Of The Things: Employee Spotlight on Sue Richardson

It’s 9:01 AM. The customary Willow morning meeting is about to begin. Willow team members trickle in, finding a seat near the coffee bar to share the who, what, when, where and whys of their upcoming day. 9:03 AM. The meeting begins with the first person outlining their day. But as each member of the team describes their day’s particulars,...

Gaga For Branding

“Best Picture” in Branding Twenty-four hours after the Oscars ceremony has come to pass, there is one lasting memory. It isn’t career recognition for Leo or how Chris Rock tiptoed around the eggshells of racial inequality in Hollywood. No, the Oscars belonged to Lady Gaga. Her performance of “Til It Happens To You” was what everybody was talking about then,...

Thank You Willow.

It was suggested I write a blog post marking Willow's 24th year in business, which will be celebrated on March 1st. I never thought writing a blog post would be so hard. And, as I tend to do, I procrastinated. The more I thought about it, the more I didn't like the idea. The more daunting the task became. How...